What I Read or Listened to This Week

Here is some non-basketball content I read or listened to this week that I found interesting:

What I Read or Listened to This Week

Here is some non-basketball content I read or listened to this week that I found interesting:

What I Read or Listened to This Week

Here is some non-basketball content I read or listened to this week that I found interesting: “Power Companies Get Exactly What They Want”: How Texas Repeatedly Failed to Protect Its Power Grid Against Extreme Weather - “Despite the equipment failures that brought the electric grid to the brink of disaster, the polar vortex was a financial windfall for power-generation companies. In the months that followed the storm, some of the companies stressed to investors the financial benefits of the two days of cold weather and accompanying high energy prices. [Read More]

What I Read or Listened to This Week

Here is some non-basketball content I read or listened to this week that I found interesting: Understanding the Threat of “Surveillance Capitalism” super social safety nets - “It’s a question of what people have trouble paying out of pocket for, and what the role of the state is. They should be part of a reality check when decision-makers set their agendas and draft their policies, and treated with just as much import as public opinion polling on what people THINK they want. [Read More]

What I Read or Listened to This Week

Here is some non-basketball content I read or listened to this week that I found interesting: