Here is some non-basketball content I read or listened to this week that I found interesting:
Things I Learnt The Hard Way (in 30 Years of Software Development) - “Solve the problem you have right now. Then solve the next one. And the next one. At one point, you’ll realize there is a pattern emerging from those solutions and then you’ll find your ‘solve everything’.”
Range - This book will go on my list of books I re-read every couple of years.
To create affordable housing, let’s banish the hoary myths of home ownership - “In fact, owning can have higher unrecoverable costs, such as taxes, maintenance and the cost of capital, than renting. And yet in the emotional process of purchasing a home, we often underplay those costs, and fail to undertake rigorous analysis that will verify the assumptions that underlie our thinking. Too frequently, the biggest purchase of our lifetime is undertaken on the strength of faith that wealth accumulation is likely and possible.”