What I Read or Listened to This Week

Here is some non-basketball content I read or listened to this week that I found interesting:

  • 7 absolute truths I unlearned as junior developer

  • How Misinformation Can Spread Among Scientists - “Worse, once they find an action they all agree on, they will keep performing that action regardless of any new evidence. They will do this even if all the scientists come to believe something else is actually better, because no one is willing to buck the consensus. Those without peers to worry about, on the other hand, are unhampered by a desire to conform and are willing to try out a new, promising theory.”

  • The war to free science - “In the US, taxpayers spend $140 billion every year supporting research, a huge percentage of which they cannot access for free. When scientists do want to make their work open access (meaning published without a paywall), they’re charged an extra fee for that as well. "

See also