Here is some non-basketball content I read or listened to this week that I found interesting:
Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much - Interesting read on the impacts of scarcity focusing mostly on money and time. I found the parts on tunneling and slack the most interesting. A lot of the studies seemed relatively new, so it will be interesting to see if the findings hold up to future research.
What HBR Gets Wrong About Algorithms and Bias - Being created with biased data is the often the most frequently discussed, and most important point. I think the need for meaningful appeals and explanations is an often under looked point.
Jaroslaw Szymczak - Gradient Boosting in Practice: a deep dive into xgboost
Workplace Wellness Programs Don’t Work Well. Why Some Studies Show Otherwise. - “When a wellness program is offered, the differences seen between those who take advantage of it and those who don’t are due to differences in the people rather than differences from the program.”
The Way We Process Risks Can Keep Us in Harm’s Way - Understanding how to communicate risk in a way that can help limit the damages is an important behavioural research area. “Studies have shown that people respond differently to hearing that a home faces an annual flood risk of 5 percent versus a roughly 50-50 chance of flooding in the next 15 years, even though the underlying probability is the same.”